Insurance in Norway | Private and Business Quotes |
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Our offers provide the protection you need in critical moments.​

Are you looking for insurance or a policy in the Kingdom of Norway? It looks like you've come to the perfect place: thanks to our platform, you will easily and quickly find an offer that will answer your individual needs in Risk Assessment and Security (Risikoanalyse). It doesn't matter if you are looking for Car Insurance (Bilforsikring), Building Insurance, Contents Insurance (Hjem-Innboforsikring), Life Insurance (Ulykke-Livsforsikring) or Business Owners Insurance - SME Insurance in Norway (Bedriftsforsikring) and Employees Pension Plans (Innskuddsspensjon - ITP/OTP). We operate 100% independently. Thanks to this, we can negotiate the best prices, and based on superior technology, we can find the best quality products and services. This makes us, in the opinion of our customers, the best provider of local offers. Besides, when choosing, you can always count on the expertise and help of our team.

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