The user is not allowed to: Collect e-mail addresses or other contact information in order to send unordered or other unwanted notices. To promote or encourage any illegal activity. To do anything that is contrary to law, harmful, unfair, dangerous, defamatory, embarrassing, nervous, affecting, insulting, intimidating, molesting, harassing, pagan, obscene, indecent, inappropriate, hateful, racially or ethnically discriminating, sexually or otherwise unacceptable for the purpose of harming third parties. To do anything violating other persons’ rights (e.g. the right to privacy); To impersonate another person or falsify your personal data.
To send, publish, store or make publicly available in any other manner any private information of other persons, including names, addresses, phone numbers and e-mail addresses and other personal data. To send, publish, distribute, modify, copy, store or make publicly available any information, materials, data or contents violating any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyrights or any other intellectual property rights of another person. To send unwanted or prohibited advertising materials, promotional materials, “junk”, “spam”, “chain letters” or any other form of such activities. To place links to alternative social groups or internet forums except upon our previous written consent. We reserve the right but not the obligation to check or monitor the user. We are not liable for user’s actions.
We reserve the right to close, delete, edit, refuse to publish, modify any contents of data at our sole discretion for any reason whatsoever, including information sent by users which in our opinion infringes these conditions of use. If you believe that any item violates the above conditions of use or standards of use, please write to us at is owned and operated by a consortium of companies such as; LOCALMARKET GROUP AS, SJØLYST INVESTORS AS & SJØLYST FINANS AS, B2 CAPITAL AS and BUSINESS LINK NORWAY based in Oslo, located at Karenslyst Alle 4, 0278 Oslo registered in the Brønnøysundregistrene business register in the Kingdom of Norway. Telephone: + (47) 23 89 88 63, E-mail We reserve the right to amend or modify these conditions of use at any moment, and all amendments will be published forthwith. Last updated in January 2020.