We offer free quotes for
Risk Insurance against damage caused by
✓ You ✓ Your Employees ✓ in Your Premises and damage that may arise after the delivery of professional equipment or products related to the activities to which your company is exposed. Protect your premises, equipment, goods,
Civil and Public Liability under one tailor-made contract.
General and Professional Liability Insurance of the Business and the Product — BEDRIFTS-OG PRODUKTANSVARSFORSIKRING covers
✓ Personal damage and ✓ Property damage caused to third parties in connection with the conducted business activity and owned property. Included in the package
✓ Legal Assistance and ✓ Other Services. Our licensed agents will adjust the scope of protection to each scale of risk and type of activity. Check also the simple offers of the Business
COMPREHENSIVE INSURANCE with many risks and the mandatory
EMPLOYEES INSURANCE. The terms of the contracts and the scope of protection are proposed individually, directly with a specific insurer.